Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Going in Style

I will probably get in a lot of trouble with someone, somewhere for putting an obit in my blog that identifies my friend and uses her real name. But, I'm doing it anyway, consequences be damned, because I want everyone to roar with laughter and cry along with me (and all her other gazillion best friends) as I celebrate her life. 

She would've been on the phone with me this morning, cackling with laughter at the irreverence and length. She also would've noticed that the obit on the following page was twice as long (but three times as unexciting). I wonder what she'd have said if she'd known how much these suckers cost...$4.00 a line. Count 'em up, folks - we're talking one expensive send-off.

Enough about money - click on the title of this blog entry and you'll be brought right to her Hartford Courant obituary.

1 comment:

Greg Pichnej said...

Hi Sharron, You captured a lot of Janet's personality in just a few words... We are all sad to see her go.

Regards, Greg Pichnej