Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh, Isn't The Weather Outside Frightful?

For my first official blog entry of 2011, I want you to know that I am officially (faking) being clever and positive, upbeat and cutesy-pie, to cover for the fact that stupid me emailed my online journalist friend and told him I resolved to be more positive in 2011.

Here we go again: Me? Positive? Oooh – that would mean my cup is surely runnething over!

Speaking of honesty? My promise was only made up of words, and words are not the boss of me, even if they appear in an article in West Hartford Patch, because I didn’t pinky swear. Doesn't that automatically make me immune from living up to anything I rashly promise?

Truly? How can I be expected to be positive when our heating system has been on the fritz for an entire month (we’ve tried out three thermostats so far – and baby, it’s cold in here), I haven’t exercised, and I’ve had to wait every, single day for the heating guy to show up? (I call each day and beg him to fix it, please, fix it – but so far, no cigar!)

I want to say mean and negative things to all you super-duper, happy coldsters out there, who aren’t upset about being bundled in fleece and Smartwool socks, putting up with snow (the little balcony underneath the window in the computer room is filled to the window sill), or accepting the UConn women’s team loss to Stanford, but I’m not going to.

Instead, I’m going to sing "Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive” and quote Malvina Reynolds, who likes to look on the “sunny side, the sunny honey funny bunny side.”

I'm doing this because I'm bound and determined to prove my husband (Mr. In-Between?) wrong. You know, of course, that he bet me I wouldn’t be able to fulfill my promise? You also know that he’s usually 100% right when he bets, damn his hide?

Curses (@!%&*^). Foiled again.

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